Printing Tips

  • It’s easy to resize your digital stamps in Microsoft Word before printing them out. (Read complete instructions below).
  • For best results, use the paper and ink formulated for your printer.
  • Remember: if you’re using an inkjet, you will need to heat-set your images with your heat gun before applying any kind of wet media.
  • You can also take your images to a copy shop and have them printed. Images printed on color copy paper will give you a richer looking black. 
  • If you would like to transfer your images, have a regular photocopy made. But don't forget to have the image flipped before copying. 

How to use Microsoft Word to resize your stamps

Before you begin, download the zipped stamp file to your desktop
and save. Then right click to unzip (extract) the contents,
and you're ready to begin.

Open a new document in Microsoft Word.
On the toolbar at the top of your page, choose: Insert>Picture>From File.
Click on From File.

 When you click on From File, the Insert Picture window pops up.
Using the Look in menu at the top of the window, navigate
to the digital stamp file you want. The file will show you all the stamps
(along with their thumbnails). When you have the image you want to print,
click the Insert button and Microsoft Word will automatically
place it in your document. (See below)

If you want to resize your stamp, click inside the image area. A box will appear.
Drag the corner to make your stamp larger or smaller. Don’t forget to save
the image if you want to use it at the same size again.